Sunday, May 16, 2004

Crest Whitestrips...

You've all seen the annoying commercial where the woman shows up for lunch with her girlfriends and something is different.... She must have a new man they conclude. Well, the truth is, her confidence is soaring because her teeth are whiter!!(thanks of course to Crest Whitestrips) Well, that woman could be ME! I've always wondered if these teeth whiteners work (especially Crest Whitestrips), so now I'm going to find out. I took a before picture, and after 14 days, I'll take another and compare. They give some whitening tips too, number 6 is my favourite.

Use Crest Whitestrips with a friend or family member. Mike and Julie say, "We use Crest Whitestrips together. That way we can remind each other to use them."

Wow, what an exciting couple they must be. And if you're wondering why I wrote Crest Whitestrips so many times, well, I want to show up on Google when someone searches for Crest Whitestrips. Crest Whitestrips, Crest Whitestrips, Crest Whitestrips, can't say it enough.

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